Monday, 1 August 2022

An inconvenient truth ?

 I sometimes wonder if part of my condition is allergy based. I often have sore eyes or a scratchy throat and all spring and summer ive blamed pollen, but while on a bike ride last night I remembered an interesting event. This event seems to suggest this strongly.

When I recovered from Covid I lost my taste for Ribena and didnt drink any for over two months even though ive drunk it every day since I was around seven years old. When I finally recovered my taste for it my head aches started and soon came the hearing problems. I wonder if Covid has left me intolerant to Ribena ? It maybe just coincidence, but its strange timing.

A visiting friend said who has diabetes told me that Ribena contains a lot of sugar. I eat a lot of bread, about a loaf every two days believe it or not. This he tells me also breaks down fast to release energy and maybe this is the cause of my hyper mind set that is causing the anxiety based hypercusis. This is another possibility.

So ive started mixing my drink at half strength and cutting back drastically on the amount I drink. I am also buying home baked bread from the local store. Its just an experiment, but whats the harm ? It makes a lot of sense.


  1. After I supposedly got the bioweapon illness, I had histamine reactions to many things. Almost everything made me sick. I am able to eat more varied things now and feel more normal.

    I had to take a Lyft to the bank today and my driver was unvaxxed and said he noticed the vaxxed getting sick a lot, so he's cautious and takes a lot of supplements. He got sick for about four days once, but he was taking loads of vitamins and did very well. My mistake is that I only took vitamin C and drank dandelion tea. I didn't take enough vitamin d either. I should have been overloading on every single vitamin.

    Also, the reason my driver didn't get the vaxx is because he's diabetic, and many people with diabetes got worse after the vaxx, or if their diabetes went away, it came back after the vaxx. When I was taking classes at Oregon State University, a guy I practised German with said his diabetes came back, but he didn't correlate it with taking the vaxx. The poor guys' illnesses that were in remission all came back. I didn't say anything about the vaxx to him though because he was a very adamant liberal type. He was a nice person though, and I felt bad for him regardless.

    I have non-diabetic hypoglycemia, which isn't diabetes, but can resemble it; however, I cannot have large amounts of sugar. I have to eat lots of protein. If I were to only eat bread or drink juice, I'd feel deathly ill. It could be you have a sort of non-diabetic hypoglycemia.

    It can make you feel loopy, and dizzy, and weird. It can also cause lots of anxiety and panic attacks. It can make you feel like you're dying if it gets bad enough. It can even cause seizures.

    Today for example, I had to start with two eggs in order to start my day without feeling unwell. If I go too long without eating and only eat sweets, I will get very very sick, with a horrible "head" feeling and even as if I'm going to die. Eating protein corrects this almost immediately, but it will leave me feeling weak for days after an attack.

    1. Some interesting and helpful points there. I might be onto something. Thanks
