Sunday, 31 July 2022

New Order - True Faith (1987) (Official Music Video) [HD REMASTERED]

Its a drizzly, miserable Sunday morning. Its been wet for 24 hours. We used to get wet weeks before the lock downs, even wet months. I found in the spring when I was not well that my mood would change with the sun coming in and out of the clouds. I heard this song on the roofers radio next door, and the chorus really stuck with me. This song captures that state and those times when we reach them. We can be on such a knife edge sometimes.

Im uneasy today. My symptoms have returned as they do some days, but nothing like as bad as what they were. Its all part of the recovery process. Ive had a very good week doing all sorts of things I wouldn't have wanted to do a while ago.

As I type the blue sky is appearing in a hole in the clouds and the mist is lifting....


  1. I remember this song. lol. I remember singing it and dancing on the lawn during lunch at school and I got some weird looks and disapproval from a "friend" because apparently it's not okay to enjoy a song. I was much freer back then and much happier.

    Today is the first day that our temperature won't go above 100 degrees (about 37.77 celcius), but I don't feel very well after several days of this, and I had a heat stroke. A friend had to help while I went into the shower under cold water. Put wet towels all over myself. Couldn't breathe the hot air and it messed with my asthma. Took about an hour to cool down somewhat. I went through that in Vegas too. The only thing is that the apartment I live in now doesn't have air conditioning so it's awful. Now that the heat wave is ending (somewhat), this morning is cold and grey and misty. Now my lungs are being aggravated by the sudden cold and humidity.

    I feel uneasy too. I have the feeling that something is always out to get me lately. I know that's my irrational mind talking, but it seems the more I try to do something that is beneficial for me or others, the more blowback I get somehow.

    Anyway, here's to hoping this day won't be too awful.

    1. Thanks. We had one day at 36 degrees here in the end. The air was hot like an oven and I could feel the sun burning as soon as it hit my skin directly. There is a drought coming down south. We are lucky to have the rain here I guess. August is an uneasy month I find as often there is a hint of autumn coming with say the longer shadows, and darker nights and the heavy dews in the mornings. There is a quickening somehow as if time is running out, and its time for the fruits of your labour on a farm are converted to cash. Its a time of reckoning. Its too early to call this month " the fag end of summer " but in a few weeks I

    2. I forgot, there is that saying " No good deed goes unpunished "
