Wednesday, 6 July 2022

Monty Python's The life of Brian - I want to be a woman

Years before its time. What was once an surreal joke is now being taken seriously by the next generation. Unbelievable.


  1. Both millennials ("Y ")and Z, yes, two generations of lost souls. Looks like Monty Python was ahead of their time.

    1. I hope my daughters generation straighten it all out again.

    2. I think that tech is the most dangerous influence here. It used to be that men once sought their identity in the traditional sense of things, but now it's become a game of topsy turvy, where you can be one thing on Monday, and something else on Tuesday. Big tech, the internet, and soon, the "metaverse" will destroy any remainging indepedent thinkers. They want all kids plugged into this 24/7. We adults are even trapped in this Matrix. I find it difficult to even read book anymore due to how we are all internet addicted. When a certain point of no return has arrived, in combination with a literal genocide of peoples, it may be irreversible. As long as they also keep the c0vid game going and the shots, there is a great risk that we may never be the same again.

    3. Sorry about the typos, I don't want to delete that and repost.

    4. Its a mindset. Its starts locally in the trivial things. I was telling my daughter how the village bonfire is no more and nobody barely lets fire works off that night anywhere in the valley. She pointed out at her sports day there was no " sack race or wheel barrow race or three legged race "due health and safety. " All the fun things have gone " she said. Its the start of what you post above and its starts in everyday simple things. Thats why we are doomed. People want it.
