Monday, 11 July 2022

Covid. Why is this still happening ?

 Yes, I'm still writing about this because it is all starting again. Its everywhere, even here. Its rarely mentioned on the news and we are under no restrictions at all. It seems strange and unnecessary that we had lockdowns in the past for something that people are now taking as a given. So no worries then ? 

Something worrying has happened. A local farmer who was one of the first to get the virus and quite badly has just caught it again. The interesting thing is that as the vaccine had not being invented back then and you would have thought he would have had a natural immunity. He wasnt as breathless this time, but he had all three jabs as well. I was hoping I might me immune, but Im not so sure after what has happened to him. One affect it has had on him was when I was talking to him he could not stand , even still for a second. He seemed in " fight or flight " mode which is how I remember feeling when I had it. You just cannot settle.

No, its not life threatening situation, but Im worried about catching it again if the problems ive had are an after effect of it. And I severely hope I dont catch it in December again. Its my weak time. At the end of the day you cant avoid it and all the government has done amounts to zero regarding protecting our health. Its was just " the emperors clothes " all over again. In the end like everything in life you just take your chances. Im just annoyed this thing has not disappeared. I think the fact the media are touching this story make it all feel more sinister somehow. As I said once before it when the news stops covering a story that you need to start worrying.


  1. I've heard that the triple jabbed are the ones spreading or "shedding" it, and they make up more than 95% of the cases in the hospitals according to official statistics here. Their weakened immune systems are said to be the cause.

    I don't want to cause alarm, and I wish I could say something uplifting, but the restrictions are coming back again and someone stated that it will begin in the UK again and that a pandemic will be staged on 7/15, but of course, we can't always rely on exact dates. I do know they are not finished with their NWO plans though so it will all come back. I really wish I had better things to say about this.

    Your problems coul be an aftereffect of it, but as I was just telling a friend of mine (in real life), if I was working a job and really busy right now I wouldn't have as much time to worry about all of the symptoms I have day to day. This hermit lifestyle for me at least, has its pluses, but also its minuses. I do know that to some extent, even a little, that my symptoms are exaggerated because I am not doing much right now and I am not taking classes, so my mind is too easily influenced by things.

    Like you, I also worry about getting sick again, but only because I have so many neurological issues (like seizures), and the shots would probably do me in right away due to the fact they cause neurological issues. Also, I read another peer-reviewed article today suggesting that it's also 5G causing some of the symptoms that people think are due to c19.

  2. I've been thinking about your concerns, and I think I have at least a partial answer. I think that if we were to get ill again, that we would have reactions, but the reactions would be less severe than the last time. I also think that our systems would know how to better fight it, as we were exposed last time, and yet our immune systems should still work normally (unlike the triple vaxxed) because our cells and everything else should function as they were intended. This doesn't mean to say we wouldn't feel sick, but that I think, at least I believe, that we would be better equipped to fight it. I mean, we've had our immune systems for thousands of years. If your immune system doesn't work, then that would actually be bad, in fact, one of the signs of cancer is when your system stops reacting strongly anymore. Anyway, I probably am not much help here, but I've also been worrying about such matters and listening to doctors and specialists who say that our immune system should work normally because we aren't jabbed.

    1. Also, if you get sick, you can take Benadryl and lactoferrin, as well as Glutathione, and high doses of vitamin C, dandelion leaf/root tea. These have all been noted in peer-reviewed studies. When I was sick I drank lots of the tea and vitamin C. I just bought more Gluthathione and I need to get some lactoferrin. I take Glutathione daily, and drink the tea daily.

    2. Sorry about the extra comment, but I didn't spell Glutathione correctly.

    3. I'd like to think the same.

    4. I got some magnesium powders from the consultant that mix into a drink back when this all started. They help the immune system. I shall get some more before December.
