Friday, 15 July 2022

TV Killed Me by Magna-Fi

It doesnt feel like a year since I bought this album.

It doesnt feel like a year since I stood sweating in line at the vaccination center not wanting to be there.

I had no idea what was ahead me in the coming winter and spring. Not that I'm equating that to the choice I made that day. 

Not much has changed. Covid is rife again. I just live my life and wait, again. Things nationwide are just as bad, but no one this time seems concerned this time. Is this because the media are no longer interested ? Probably.


  1. Isn't it strange though that people are getting sick in the middle of summer? This proves either of two things I've concluded:

    1. c0vid is real, but it's an engineered virus that was intentionally leaked (I don't believe in that being accidental); I've never known people to get "sick" over and over in the summer unless it's allergies.

    2. They've done a bang up job of making all of us very fearful, and what appears to be c0vid is actually the flu (which has mysteriously disappeared), OR, it could be that we're all just thinking normal aches and pains are also a part of long-c0vid.

    The last theory (#2), I find less believable than the #1 of course. But still, I often wonder if I'm just making myself feel sick. I never used to stop and "think" about every symptom as much as I do now. I've literally caught myself saying to myself "three years ago you wouldn't have even thought such and such about this particular symptom."

    As an example, when I iived in Canada, when I first arrived there, I was in very bad shape. This was back in 2010 or so. I was overweight, and eating a lot of junk, very sedentary, because I lived in a mining town and it was always very cold. I remember going to the ER in Canada many times, as well as having my lungs x-rayed and other procedures, because I had so many health issues happening. I was convinced I was dying.

    In comparison, how I feel today, even though I am older, is probably less intense as a whole than then.

    I always remind myself of that when I think I'm going to go crazy. I will also admit I possess an element of hypochondria, and honestly, that's a sin. I want to stop thinking that way because being fearful constantly is actually a negative for me, spiritually speaking.

    Here in the USA, the climate of fear is MUCH worse than it is anywhere else btw.

  2. My sister is sick now too.
