Monday, 18 July 2022

This has made my day

I found this today while cleaning out our tool shed. It was more like an archaeological dig than a clean out. There was at least 20 years of clutter and stuff that had just thrown in there. Amazingly the tape still plays but the sound has gone dull on one side.

Still a great album


  1. Oh wow. That is a really old tape.

    I had like 50+ tapes that had been stored in a hot California storage so they were all ruined. Unfortunately it was all of my own musical compositions, but I have many of them memorized. Don't think I'll be around long enough for it to be of any importance anyway.

    1. Storing photos online is another thing that rarely works unless its on a blog. They seem indestructible though. I was telling my daughter how we used to put a piece of sellotape over the tabs to record over originals.Sorry you lost your tapes. That must have been so annoying.
