Thursday, 18 August 2022

Second by second

"  Dont out ! "

This line was spoken by someone yesterday. A situation with animals turned in a second. This is so profound and can be applied to life in general. At what moment do we listen to others ? And are they only right for a second ? And at what second can that change ? Can YOU see it coming. You need to.


  1. Animals are unpredictable. I used to work with horses and they are dangerous to have around because they do things that can kill you. I had one stomp right onto my foot once and put its full weight on it (the foot was sore for months), then I had another one lift its head up fast out of nowhere, could have broken my entire face. But the most dangerous "animal", or mammal, if you will, is mankind.

    I think you're correct here about who we should listen to. Some people seem really fired up too at any given moment, but then that "truth" they speak of slowly washes away and you're left realising it didn't really amount to much, and it wasn't that revelatory anyway. There are some people though I've noticed who have said things that stay with you a long time.

  2. My daughter was helping sort sheep yesterday and she was butted by a ram as she faced the other way. Unusual for a breed that hasnt horns and is not normally aggressive. She wasnt injured thank goodness. The ram must have weighed 70kg at least though. The above line wasnt connected with that incident though, but maybe it was a sign of what was to come shortly.

    Sometimes people can put us in dangerous situations unintentionally. They are harder to spot than our own under estimations I guess. There is a saying about horses - dangerous at both
