Monday, 22 August 2022

The king of beggars

Today we walked passed a beggar on our way into a town. Immediately when I saw him sat by the path at the base of some steps I knew he was going to play mind games. I turned to my daughter and said " Watch what happens now " Straight away he made direct eye contact from about 25 meters away as we walked along the narrow pathway towards him. I felt uneasy already. As we got closer he began tapping on his cardboard box rhythmically. It was now impossible to turn back or pretend we had not seen him, as he sat by the steps that we had to climb to reach the shops in the town center. Ratta - tat- tat...ratta- tat- tat he continued. As we finally reached him he said " Hello " as if he expected a donation as he had prepared the ground so well I guess ?

The trap had been set. The long walk towards him. The tapping upping the tension as we got closer, and his position at the base of stairs were all well thought out. No, I didnt give him anything. I was out of breath after climbing the steps afterwards. I felt a mixture of admiration of his cunning, and annoyance of having been the intended victim of his mind game.


  1. Do you have a large drug-abusing homeless population there too?

    1. No, but the town had gone down hill like everywhere else. We dont have a homeless problem on an American scale. Its very rare I'd say but that makes it stand out when you see it more.
