Thursday, 11 August 2022

Where are they coming from ?

 Ive mentioned before on here about the falling chipping incidents in this house. You often here a tap and find a single chipping has dropped out of this air and onto the floor. This happened at 4.30am this morning as I sat alone on the sofa. No one else was in the room, and my feet were bare so there was no footwear that could have had, say a chipping stuck in the sole.

These individual chippings are always the same size and triangular. They are the same size as used on a road surface, but are a different colour. All are a dark brown and have a sand stone texture. After finding said chipping I picked it up and dropped it on purpose myself to compare the sound. On doing this  it bounced several times making several taps. When it originally dropped it made it only one very solid tap, so it must have not fallen from a great height, or landed in a controlled manner. If it dropped from a very low height as the lack of bounce suggests then how did it make such a sharp sound ?

These stones seem to be coming from another dimension or time. They have become quite common and no one really is amazed in this house when it happens. Its the same with moving objects. Its just a given. How ive come to see these things as routine I dont know. I was going to post a photo of the chipping but its gone from where I left it. There will be more though. You can count on that.


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  2. They could certainly be from another dimension.

    I had something occur when an item appeared out of nowhere that had been missing for days or weeks. Of course, it happened around the abusive person I was with. Those things always happened around him. The item seemed to shoot down from the sky.

    Btw, yesterday a door closed in my place and no one was here. Maybe there is an uptick in supernatural things occuring once again. I do feel that it's that time again...strange things happening more and more.

    1. When I wasnt well nothing happened at all. If I could get these chippings to appear on cue that would be Hot weather triggers things. Also I know someone who says your aura can move objects near to you. This maybe why strange things stopped happening when I wasnt well ?
