Saturday, 13 August 2022

What else did I expect ?

 Yesterday our water supply pipe silted up and needed cleaning out with draining rods. Having solved the problem water flowed freely, but not for long. Mid afternoon all water ceased. I thought maybe the pipe had blocked again, and it took me some time to find the source of the problem. Something had turned the stop tap off under the kitchen sink, and only in the last hour or so after I fixed the previous problem.

Ive seen stop taps  " turn them selves off " before. The last time it happened three times in one morning in the  farm yard. I was sure someone was messing with me, but the most bizarre instance was at our water supply storage tank. A big old stop tap that was in an underground cavity that had grassed over for years ago turned itself off. No one had touched that as it had grassed over and I would have seen any disturbance. Its bad enough the things water can do here without some unseen force turning off main stop taps.

Dinner in the garden saw my cutlery jingle twice by itself as the plate lay on the floor. The heat which is nearly 30c and a full moon is no doubt to blame . I think poltergeists or whatever need heat as energy to manifest easier... More things move in the day than at night, and more things move on their own in summer than winter

This appeared on my bed as I typed the above post  !  

Water is doing strange things in our pipes too. Rushing noises sound like water moving rapidly in short bursts, but nothing in the house is using any at the time. The last time this happened was just before my daughter was born and it followed me everywhere...

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