Tuesday, 26 November 2013

The seventeen year locust ?

I found a song title by a band recently called " The Seventeen Year Locust " . This suggests a plague which appears  every 17 years to decimate its surroundings . This reminds me of a comment I made myself a while ago as to how I find myself in similar situations at various periods of my life . I went on to say how ive learnt from each time this happens and thought it was a repetitive cycle . Today a 17 year cycle theory looks appealing . The said blogger commented that she thought there maybe a repetitive type hell present in life . That could be true, possibly   I found this picture while googling for a locust image . This ties the two themes in together very nicely . No, this image is not linked to the band who's song title first inspired me to write this post  . Maybe someone has made a similar connection before .It looks that way . The important part is what we LEARN from re-occurring crises !

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