Monday, 18 November 2013

The full moon forces a crises and a half

There seems to be a theme of regret running through my " real world " friends at the moment . It seems to be a running theme in the build up to this full moon . Ive seen many crisis's this moon , worst fears manifesting and peoples nightmares coming true . A mis carriage occurred , another acquaintance  had a baby rushed to hospital , I was involved in a road accident ect  Others are regretting their choices and wanting change . Ive seen one once vibrant person reduced to a zombie basically . I too have experienced my nightmare in a dream like manner . There is also a daily tension in my surroundings and people I know that's starting to affect me . I can intimately feel it . Its transferred to me . I shouldn't be feeling it but I am . As with any dark cloud it will pass over . The last time I could sense such darkness was last Christmas .

Oh and the loud water noise is back again ...


  1. I agree. I've had nothing but trouble in my life the past few days. Tonight has been the worst so far.

  2. I have a perfect view of the moon from my sofa just now . Its a murky yellow colour . Its also very low in the sky . Its not a nice .
