Saturday, 2 November 2013

My wonderful cousin has just drawn my attention to this biological wonder !!!       

Of course the part of this that interests me is in the " mystical / occult " section of this link . This gland regulates sleep patterns as the seasons change . As my vitality  is dramatically reduced as Winter starts , and the day light hours shorten , my thoughts are drawn to how much of this is caused by the functioning or malfunctioning of this Pineal gland in me .
  I know that suddenly at this time of year something changes in the air and events are changeable and magic is abound everywhere . Its in the Winter light , the winds , the white Winter moons . As the Pineal gland deep in the brain sends out changes caused by changing seasonal light , are other mystical messages or changes occurring too in tandem ? Does this happen because of my seasonal disorder mixes something up  enabling me to see and sense the magic potential of this season ? Its a very neat inter locking theory that lines up nicely . To find this gland is linked with such subjects  is a pleasant surprise and a further justification of my own views . Nice !
  Dion Fortune also hinted at the Endocrine system being responsible for the ability to be of a certain persuasion . I think she was referring to something along these lines . A malfunction could trigger the ability to experience other intensity's of emotion that " normal " people miss out on . These levels of emotion may kick start all you read on this blog . Maybe the road to this mindset and lifestyle is mainly a biological anomaly ? Well that's one road that she suggests .  I like it when a mainstream idea blends to prove a mystical one . The  " God particle " that was discovered recently is a classic .Something you cant see or prove having its existence justified by the effects you can see . But that's another story...

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