Tuesday, 4 January 2022

Reflections on Covid

 What was the strangest thing about catching the virus ? I must say that the illness felt like nothing ive had before. I could feel it inside me, almost like a warm firm giant hand that might decide to squeeze me maybe unpleasantly hard at any moment.  Someone else told me he could feel it searching through his body for a weak place to settle. Myself I felt as though an oil was circulating in me and I could smell it all the time. It was also in my taste buds to, which has left some striking changes in my diet choice.  What scared me most was the fact that it felt artificial and man made. It did not feel natural. I dont know how else to describe it, and how can flesh and blood fight something artificial ?

Despite my fears I have recovered, but what I eat and drink has oddly changed now. Most alarming is the fact I no longer drink Ribena. Its only when you take into account that I have drunk this drink everyday for 45 years that the gravity of change can be really grasped. Maybe my taste for it will return, but like Coca Cola I now find its taste to syrup like. I used to love Coke but the fizz seems to have gone and the taste is too sweet and that syrup taint spoils it. Yes, I hope this wears off in time and people have told me it that it will.

 I have developed an appetite however for meat,proper meat, proper beef steaks and lamb chops. As soon as my appetite returned I told my wife " I want meat and I want it now ! " lol A week of eating little had left me weak, and my body was giving me a wake up call, that and the fact I have a vitamin B12 absorbing problem. This desire for proper meat has remained and im having steak twice a week and lamb chops once a week. Today I bought some black pudding for breakfast fry ups. Its all about building myself up physically again. When you start to feel weak you instinctively know what you need.

My love of tea has returned. Early in a morning when I felt no appetite I would make a cup of very sweet tea that was almost like a meal in itself. Funny really because ive gone off most sweet things. This reversal of my appetites reminds me off the reversed vowels I keep typing. Its as though Im on the other side of a flipped coin. What I once loved I now no longer crave, food and drink wise. Again this may be temporary.

Annoyingly everyone seemed to think I could perish at any moment as I was the nightmare scenario...5o and not vaxxed !!! An automatic death sentence then. Hard core brainwashing was to blame, and I try not to blame my family who were obviously concerned quite rightly for me. I admit I caught a relatively  mild strain though. I am however quite pleased Ive come through this ok especially when my choices flew in the face of convention. My instincts were right for me anyway.


  1. I'm very glad that you've recovered. Now you should have natural immunity for life.
