Tuesday, 11 January 2022

David Sassoli: European Parliament President dies at 65 after period of ...

Yet another David, but apart from that what else is there to said here ? Highly suspect, and one that no one could sweep under the carpet. Surely this must start people thinking ? Maybe not... What starts as a conspiracy theory is quickly proved to be well worth considering at the moment, and there seems to be not attempt to cover up the truth now. Maybe because its to late. And if the vax is only effective for 2 months a shot max then why is it so important for a short term medicine to be forced on all and why persecute those who refuse it now the strain has switched to a very mild one ? Again too late and freedoms will continue to topple because people are thick, just like several ive experienced this week in this valley. They are all educated and middle class and of course retired academics, but thick as planks or just plain scared.

Tomorrow i am going to look at a sofa at someones house in the neighbouring valley. The instructions are and I quote " Give us a ring just before you arrive then we can leave the sofa in the patio room for you to look at and we will keep out of the way " How surreal. Wether I can sit on the sofa or is it to remain behind glass I do not know...lol


  1. I am truly amazed at how stupid people are. The good news is they're lying about how many got the shots. It's actually much less than reported.

    1. I dont think the brain washing that started earlier can be undone sadly. The constant fear of supposed death have taken most to a point of never dismissing this ever, even if circumstances change. And if a Christian isnt worried about the number of the beast now, then what more do they need to see ?

    2. It's really sad that people think about death so much, rather not as a meditation on it, or some kind of introspection, but just this crazy panic. Any Christian who doesn't see what's happening is probably worshiping the guy down below.
