Monday, 31 January 2022

Im confused

 Today has been a strange one. My wife has a bad back. I was assuming her new exercise club she has just started attending was to blame. Then my dad arrives with a bad back and can hardly walk. He thinks he has pulled a muscle picking a stone up off the road side. I stop for petrol and the attendant can hardly walk, and yes youve guest it, she has a bad back and mentions someone who lives up the road also has the same symptoms. But what really has me taken aback was a news story announcing the Astra Zennica ( however you spell it ) has a new side effect of causing a " very rare spinal fluid swelling " condition. Maybe its not so rare or confined to one vax. This is all beyond coincidence. I only report what I see. In that way Im a sophist. I dont research, I just go off what I see with my own eye in this whole madness.

The second confusing situation is people catching the virus a second time. It is happening despite my skepticism. How is that possible ? Maybe one of these episodes of illness is NOT a virus, even if it classed as one. Surely immunity lasts longer than 12 months ? So im back to avoiding people because of this, but having been in close contact with someone who has it this week by pure chance just points out the folly of that stance. I very much doubt I shall pick it up again after only a month of having it though. This whole illness thing I expect is going give an increasingly dark picture for those who took the vax and maybe for those of us who didnt, possibly. The maddening thing is that no one want to even think about the vax being to blame for weird health problems and you know what ? They never will.

And look what pops up on my facebook next...


  1. I'm starting to think that all the theories about 5G mimicking c19 symptoms may have some credence to it.

  2. Another problem is that people who are ill need to stay home and isolate, whether or not they have a c0r0navirus, a flu, or a cold. They can't be out spreading illness thinking it's okay just because they got a jab.
    That's how my friend got sick, presumably, from being around those who came to work sick. Now the entire place is running rampant with illness and people calling out. I have always thought people who go to work sick as being very inconsiderate.

    I think the sign with the boosters is a way to make people fearful so they will get the booster. If the booster is basically the same as the first two, then how is it any different in fighting a totally new variant? It's got no new ingredients, and nothing made for combatting a variant that just showed up overnight, like all the other variants.

    All of this is honestly sounds like I'm in a middle of a mad hatter party or something.

    1. Just as the media are moving on to the next big news story is just when there will be the most problems with illness. They do that. The less of a news story there is then they hype it up and by the time there really is a problem they have moved on.

    2. I've noticed that. It's very odd. The media is nuts!

    3. Just like in spring when the weather forecast has daily pollen counts, and just when they stop giving them that my hay fever

  3. I hope your family members feel better btw.
