Monday, 2 September 2013

A new look ?

Im thinking of having a clear out of pictures and various paraphernalia I have decorated around the house . I need a new direction . A new look . Strangely ( well not strangely for my world ) I visited a junk shack on the Isle of Skye last year and spied a painting I liked but never got round to buying . I spent the next year thinking about how I should have bought it . Guess what ? This year it was still there hung on the shed wall so now its mine ! The store owner said she sends everything to auction once a year but that got left behind by mistake . Maybe it was a sales pitch but I like to think its true.... I also bought a rather Gothic mountain winter scene with a silhouetted wolf against the black winter forest and light winter sky . This im particularly pleased with . Well one mans junk is anothers treasure .

1 comment:

  1. I've always wanted to visit the Isle of Skye. I heard that's where Cairn terriers come from, and I have a penchant for the breed.
