Friday, 27 September 2013

A changing perception ?

My perceptions are changing . My blog looks different . My profile picture looks different . Everything looks more cluttered on here . I'm seeing more .  Im seeing more detail . Ive said before as the light fades I get more focused . My world becomes narrow . Mentally I expand , but physically I wane .Maybe this is my seasonal disorder kicking in as the day light hours decreasing  . Im getting more tired and my posts more out spoken  . This will increase as winter comes . Ive decided to label my posts on my seasonal disorder from now on so they can be read as a whole eventually. This should be revealing....


  1. Your side bars do look a little bit different, like they are less wide. But that could be my imagination as well. (?)

  2. Yes I thought that too . Where my writing is seems more see through , revealing more of the back ground picture which is somehow unsettling . Im gonna try and adjust a few things .... Perception is everything I guess !
