Sunday, 12 June 2022

Witches, lesbians and smoke machines

 I was talking this week to a man who has recently bought a large ex- youth hostel building that had been converted into a self catering compound for large groups of people. The previous owner often had large families of Muslims and Jews staying there which was interesting as we have land and sheep handling pens just a stones through away from the house, and people often came over to watch us work and ask questions. It was also interesting to watch such groups as living in a rural area you just dont get the chance to even do that, unlike in a town.

Anyway with that in mind I asked the new owner how things were going dealing with the general public. He recently had two strange or surprising incidents. The first and most weird was a lesbian witch and some families complete with children who were all dressed in black. He said they were engaged in some kind of role play, and each to their own, ive nothing against that, but what was shocking was that they drew various moon symbols ect on the rooms walls in " invisible " pen or rather he thought ultraviolet writing. It was only after they had returned home that he happened at a certain angle to be able to see the symbols. They got a bill for re-painting the room. I mean you just wouldnt do that to someone elses property, unless maybe you were a child ?

The second incident was a students party. Well it was quite a party as they hired a smoke machine. One person complained that every time they opened the door a smoke alarm went Well what do you expect. Again the room was stained from the dry ice. Its not the kind of damage you might expect after a party though. Again, no respect !

The owner is not naive though as he originally came from Birmingham. He thinks its great in the middle of nowhere away from the traffic and the growing Muslimification (is that a word ? )  of the city. There is no escaping human waywardness though, especially in the holiday business. I think now he is prepared now for anything, though the locals may give him a surprise or two yet.