Saturday, 18 June 2022

Climbing out of a rut ?

 For any given band or musical artist there is usually 2 or 3 songs that most people associate with them. This is their image as shaped by the media and music industry. Of course when you look deeper there is a vast array of material, some of which is of much higher quality that never saw the light of day in the mainstream. This is often a bands true identity. You may spend years thinking you know an artist, but you've only seen one small angle.That fact has often baffled me.

Its the same with towns and cities. In the UK I often only associate them with news stories that were memorable, negatively of course. This is an instant knee jerk reaction for example Lockerbie - plane crash, Dunblaine -  primary school massacre, Hungerford - shootings. Of course there is more to these places than a bad day news story, but image and memory come to quickly to the fore of our brains.

Ive also visited the same places for years and discovered new things there that if I had just looked a little further  around the next corner I would have seen. How easy it is to under estimate a place that we are so familiar with. Again our short sighted judgement has clouded so much. In that respect I doubt anything is quite as we have judged it. Ive no idea why ive written this, but I felt it needed saying.


  1. I was disappointed that Danzig only has a few really good songs from their vast repertoire. Or maybe it's just certain albums that have better songs. I got one of their albums a few days ago have yet to listen to that one, maybe it's better? I will find out shortly.

  2. There is a saying " that difficult third album " Debut albums are raw and come naturally, the second is slightly refined, but the third must be different from the first two. A new sound...
