Sunday, 26 June 2022

I can see " it "

I took this photo whilst out on the electric bike this afternoon. There is something disturbing about the trees in the center of this photo. Its an area that looks different to its surroundings somehow. Slightly up the valley is a similar piece of ground where it looks different to, and the sun often breaks through the clouds to illuminate a relatively small area there. 


The light here is very similar to that in Glastonbury at the moment. Dent valley looks a different shade of green this year to. The shadows in the trees are too dark and long for this early in summer as well.


  1. Isn't there supposed to be a major musical festival there in summer? It's really pretty.

    1. Its just finished. Its mainly what the area is known for really, but it is also a highly mystical area, and can be disturbing as ive found. I need to go back and face something terrifying I felt there. Its a change of times thing. People have a wakings there.
