A while ago I promised I would write about a supernatural event that was the most dramatic happening I have witnessed . It must have been in the late 90's when I had just finished working on my car on a nice August night , though it must have been late in the month as it was dark . As I was putting the last of my tools away I heard a baby or more accurately I'd say a young toddler crying somewhere in the dark on a raised bank above our farmyard . I was quite worried that a child or baby should be out so late obviously on their own , so I paused to try and pin point where the sound was coming from .
Now here things get really weird ! The crying was coming from about 30 meters away but seemed to be amplified as I could here ever intake of breath and every sob . It was very sad to hear a child in such obvious suffering . This went on for ten minutes and I went to get my parents to check I wasn't going mad . They heard it too . Mean while our neighbours who live in the manor house next door had come out as they had obviously heard our excitement and heated debate at the source of the noise . Finally when the crying stopped I went to bed .
Next morning I was buzzing . What had it been ? I decided to go round to see our neighbours and ask them if they had any children visiting as I though there might be a logical explanation . They said no and asked why I thought they might . Now I was puzzled as surely they had been listening to the crying also as they were only over the hedge from my family and it was a still quite night . I felt very stupid when they said they hadn't heard a thing and looked puzzled at why I had come round . Looking back maybe they were in denial but it seems that the noise was only heard by our family somehow . This fact seems to suggest the noise came from inside us somehow .
Now you may remember I also made what sounded like a tall claim that this experience had a link to Wuthering Heights ! Well the manor house next door is rumoured to be one of the potential inspirational sites that Emily Bronte visited . Now no one knows the truth , but if you read the book near the beginning a character ( dont ask me who as its a complicated story I find ) hears a ghostly crying baby outside and she shuts the windows to try and block out the sound . A tenuous link surely ? I wasnt sure but a tale my parents told me aroused my suspicions further....
Back in the seventies my parents were woken up in the early hours by the sound of galloping horses on what they insisted sounded like cobbles . This happened more than once . I was quite shocked to find in the part of Wuthering Heights when I think its the house keeper goes outside in the early hours to investigate some ones cruel actions to a dog , they hear the sound of many galloping horses . This fact is randomly dropped into the story for no supposed reason .I get a very strong feeling from that line that there is a connection !
So that's two bizarre instances that have happened in both the book and to my family or me in real life . Maybe Emily did visit this manor . Maybe she to heard these weird noise too . Well we shall never know , but I know they happened....
That is very creepy, but in a good way.
ReplyDeleteI would like to hear more about the weirdness of North Canada when you have time . I bet you have some interesting stories .