Wednesday, 23 October 2013

Carl Jung - Synchronicity


  1. This makes me question whether we can force peak experiences. Colin Wilson says that we can, at least a little, if we try, but...I'm not sure. As I get older and find myself among more boring people in real life, it seems that these events, either synchronous or peak experience. I really am convinced that our environment and those we surround ourselves with are very important, more important than anything else.

  2. I meant to say "As I get older and find myself among more boring people in real life, it seems that these events, either synchronous or peak experience SEEM TO LESSEN."

  3. Again I am astounded someone like Jung gave credit to synchronicitys . Its so open minded and pioneering . Dion Fortune suggested love , death or being in a war type circumstance may trigger these events , or more accurately a method to control them at will , that being " magic " . She said a certain calibre of woman could trigger a mystical awakening in a man , leading to the ability to influence events in your life . She does not mention synchronicity though Im sure its all meshed together somehow as a by product . This works well as an idea as Jung said a synchronicity was the mind influencing matter . If thats not " magic " then I dont know what is . Well it would have to be a useful synchronicity to class it as magic though....

  4. Two schools of thought here with a symmetry !

    1. Dion of course called the " certain calibre of woman " an Archetype .
