Saturday, 31 August 2013

Worn out

Im so tired tonight . What a week its been . As I predicted the fading day light hours and Autumn approaching has kick started the mystical season . I think my next chapter is at last beginning..... I also cant wait to get to work on the farm . Im lost without it and quickly disintegrate .


  1. Autumn is like a sort of renewing. Spring and summer are all about laziness and fun, and winter is bleak and deathly, but I think Autumn definitely is a mystical month, yeah.

  2. Meant to say, mystical season...

  3. I like winter too , but our winters arent so savage as American/Canadian ones . If it snows its on the news headlines !

    1. For some reason I am not receiving notifications in my email regarding replies on Blogspot. That sort of upsets me.

  4. I never have ,I have to trawl back to the post I commented on to look . Its a nuisance I agree...
