Who reads a blog ? When I first started blogging I had a particular idea of who I would like to think was reading it and I felt quite successful when I found out some of my friends and family were watchers or regular readers . What I put on enabled me to let them know what I was thinking or up to . This is still so but as life changes so do your writing motives . I started with Drifting Sideways because thats exactly how my life was going . Mad , mad days . My first elemental experiences blew me away . I watched the moon a lot . I was what Dion Fortune might have called " a suggestible , emotional , lunar type " In fact I still am but you cant live at that level for ever . Unless youve lived this lifestyle its pointless me trying to explain further . Thats when I started The Golden blog named after the Michael Moorcocks first book The Golden Barge , a book I founded summed up what drove my life and gave me something to rate my struggles against . This blog contains some very rare instances of a person in contact with the elemental water or moon forces and Isis mixed in no doubt . Today that sounds mad but back then it was very real . Something was in touch with me and has been sporadically since .
Today im in between elements . Water is no longer all appealing and new moves forward are coming . Im a bit baffled as I was a t the beginning ! Recently my attentions are more on foreign readers having a few new watchers abroad and views in Russia and Europe sometimes . I have recently due to a little interaction realised theses stats are real people. Sounds silly but yeah ! Ive never been abroad even so this is quite exciting . You rarely know what people think of your posts ( mine anyway ) and the thought of sharing my deepest thoughts with strangers is extremely liberating . The down side is you tend to suddenly think more about what you write when you like your watchers . I hope I dont start sugar coating stuff cos a blog should be raw .
P.S Put a quote on hear earlier by Micheal Moorcocks Jerry Cornelious storys by mistake . It should have gone on Drifting . It was a repost of an old quote I found trawling back . I find it very funny . It was a joke in general and not a dig at any blogger . It means a LOT to me to stress that !!!
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