Wednesday, 11 May 2022

I feel like I am being poisoned

 Self pity has given way to anger today. Everyday still im having trouble with sound, but now each day the sound causing the trouble varies. I guess that change shows some progress ? Most nights after 8pm my ears become much more tolerant to sound, which is great, but next morning Im back to square one. I have the odd better day then back to a bad one. I feel something is renewing an attack on me everyday and unless I find out how and why Im not going to move on from this. Whats happening everyday / or night thats causing this ? 

I have a theory and a friend also suggested this that as the symptoms decrease at night that it could be a simple over reaction to pollen. This all started mid Feb when tree pollen starts. I certainly feel hay fever symptoms now or maybe that is just aggravating my original ear and sinus problem. Who knows. Of course pollen levels will drop at night. Im going to have to try some antihistamine despite how uncomfortable I find it.

Today I placed a fork on the table and it rung out like bell chime in my ears. I tested this several times as it was quiet extreme. After dinner I tried the same and there was no chime at all. Something is changing really fast in my sensitivity to sound. Its a though when I can tolerate a sound another just pops up that I cant deal with. Ive also developed a low electrical type tinnitus hum that is un-natural. Luckily Im sleeping well a night despite it.

Im seeing a hearing and tinnitus expert tomorrow and they are taking a mould of my ear to order some custom ear plugs to cut out the frequencies that annoy me. I feel the root cause is my sinus inflammation though and certain sounds are aggravating it. My head aches are much less and Im not a as anxious now of the problem, but I want my old lief back where I can have days out and visit people, after all summer is coming. Its hard to look ahead and be optimistic when this situation is so doggedly stubborn to heal. Its impossible to ignore sound whatever or where ever you go.


  1. If you are not allergic to dandelion root/leaf, I would advise drinking tea made from it. It helped me a lot and I drink one cup of it per day. My tinnitus comes back when I am anxious or having panic. As I sit here typing, I can still hear it. It is low level but I don't think it will ever go away completely. For me it is like a high-pitched sound. As long as it's not super loud I can deal with it. From what I understand, there are people who got the shot who have it really bad and it won't go away.

    1. The varying sound annoyance is a sign Im starting to heal I found out today. My mind is in fight or flight mode due to something stressing it. Who knows what. Visit to a new consultant went well today, but time is the only cure and relaxation.

  2. I find that the more I think about it, the more conscious I am of it too. But it's true that it's quite annoying.

    1. Thats true. The mental effects are long lasting.
