Wednesday, 25 May 2022

A diagnosis

 So after visiting a hearing consultant I have been told I have Hyperacusis, which is a heightened level of hearing caused by stress. This puts the brain into " fight or flight mode " hence my hearing is turned up to warn me of a perceived  " threat " Of course it a vicious circle as sound causes stress and stress turns up my hearing which again causes stress. No wonder ive been so wound up.

The good news is that ive made a significant improvement and have started to break the circle. Also given time this condition will pass, eventually. Ive also started to " sound proof " our kitchen in sorts. Ive put a layer of lino type sheeting in the cupboards to kill the noise of cups and glasses, and ive bought some soft close attachments to cushion the cupboard doors and stop them banging. Just simple things that help. Laminated flooring is awfully noisy though a few mats help enormously to deaden the echo. 

Today I went into town for a haircut which would have been unthinkable a few weeks ago. Odd bangs in shops set my head ache off a few times but nothing to rattle me much. I can certainly talk to people now even if I do ignore the odd dizzy spell and aching in my sinuses. If I hold my ground they pass. Its a very odd feeling knowing that its not " real " and I keep telling myself so or rather thats its just my brain fooling me.

Ive got fb notifications pinging away as ive been argueing, sorry debating with a liberal for a week and he is getting irate .lol


  1. I've read that head and nerve injuries can also cause that. Don't want to worry you I also read in one peer reviewed paper that it was cited as the first symptom of Creutzfeldt Jacob, but since you didn't get the shots you should be okay. I'm glad you hear you finally have a name for what's been bothering you so long now.

  2. Sorry about the typos, I try typing things correctly and then either my phone or blogspot changes everything.

  3. Arguing with liberals is too much for me. I cannot do it. They do stress me out a lot. I argued with my mother over the weekend about Bide n because she just loves him for some reason.

    1. There is never any ground gained arguing with such strong opinions.

    2. Libs don't even have opinions, it's just emotional outbursts. My scary ex's mother was a liberal so of course, he was also a liberal, but he pretended he was a conservative when it came to the way he treated women. Every day I swear he would start an argument with me about racism. Apparently I was a racist, even though he called my friend who was a native American "the indian." It was okay for him to be racist, but if I had any opinion at all which wasn't even racist, I was still a racist. He was crazy and incredibly offensive not only to me but to others. That's your typical "liberal."
