Saturday, 29 March 2014

The Changing of the Guard Keeps our Feet on the Ground

Of course if mystical things stop over Spring , mental changes do not . In fact they reach a uncomfortable peak . Very uncomfortable . Ideas , its all about ideas of intensity . The bright sunshine leaves us no where to hide and magnifies our dreams and desires . That's bleak . Aliestair Crowley wrote in Moon Child that the forces of Spring came slowly like the first troops over running the defensive positions of Winter and that as Summer came the defences were over run with a great army in a huge surge as such . I intimately understand the feeling he is describing . I cant remember exactly , but I think he mentioned uneasiness in there to , or implied it . Again this is an intimate observation about that which torments me . Summer of course is great once things have rejuvenated . Just I find the change over hard . I always have sadly .

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