Wednesday, 12 March 2014

Heres hoping this is a one off...

I'll be honest , ive had a horrible day . Something happened to me and the effects I do not yet fully understand or grasp , but even I can tell that something is very wrong . Today someone asked me a question regarding something work connected and I answered incorrectly and they realised my mistake and were quite mocking .
   Fair enough it was a silly mistake I made in hindsight and I should have checked my facts before opening my mouth . About a minute later I began to feel very disturbed . Anxiety came over me like a wave , I started to sweat , I started to feel a terrible guilt . I felt sick and I thought I was going to be . I felt dizzy , so much so I thought I was going to pass out . This persons tone touched a very raw nerve in me . They destroyed me and tonight Im still not myself . Ive felt extreme bouts of anxiety before that I think have been panic attacks . They have only happened I think maybe just once before and this was before I started the last great tribulation in my life . After such an attack I focused on a plan of action which also coincided with a message I received by chance from someone I needed in my life which perked me up . That's all fine and dandy and in the past , but what does today's event mean ? It was a trivial subject I made a mistake with , but why such an extreme reaction ? Im a little scared tonight as I feel it has  a great meaning and presence behind it and Ive seen others crack and mentally disintegrate ( ive experienced it in several people im very close to )  so I know there is sometimes nothing to be done but cascade down that terrible path . Im OK now, but something happened today , it was scary , it was bad . Maybe Im worn out . Maybe its some form of post traumatic disorder or repressed emotion from the past . Im not just winging here , today was something of a new intensity and I don't know when it will happen again , maybe when someone puts me on the spot again ?


  1. I had a similar thing happen today. Almost walked off the job due to it.

  2. Yes , I thought of your situation the next morning after writing that post .
