Thursday, 13 March 2014

Gareth Knight / The Planes of Consciousness

" It follows that we should give some thought to how we treat the ' lesser forms ' of life upon our planet . They are in fact forms of expression of a much higher form of life - and if we can justify extinction of species , or wholesale laboratory experimentation upon lesser forms of life , then by the same moral categories we should be willing to submit ourselves to like exploitation and experimentation by beings ' superior ' to ourselves ..."   

Are we just play things for higher beings ? Are things revealed briefly to us , only to have our reactions studied ? After many baffling and unexplainable events that were beyond reasoning and beyond any use fullness to me ( other than focusing my attention )  I am highly tempted to go with this theory . Anyway this is my latest thinking . It also seems that a lack of Christianity in its general sense is no obstacle to experiencing these moments .

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