I was reminded this week of something I saw In Tintagel while on holiday . This was brought to mind by a fantastic piece of fantasy film / music I came across online .Strangely while watching a film last night I had recorded also saw me looking at something that again very much reminded me again of what I saw in Tintagel . I can not bring myself to say what I saw on here , only that to do so would have people questioning my sanity , or wether Ive read to much Lovecraft ! O.K let me be honest here , Im not the only one to have seen odd thing as Ive recalled today . I can recount three people , all female and all who I know well who have told me at various times that they have seen something !
The first case is of a woman who told me she had started to see writing in her flooring , carpet strangely . This writing was readable but when I asked her what It said she replied she was too scared to read it . This was a very how can I say conventional , educated person . Of course a great crises occurred next day that she will never forget sadly .
The second case is similar . Another woman once started seeing faces in her flooring . Also carpet to oddly ? She was so freaked she cut them out with a pair of scissors ( much to the annoyance of her landlord ! )
The second case another woman ( seeing a pattern ? ) a while ago now admitted to seeing faces in the pattern of creases on her sofa . She was quite alarmed by this . Depression developed , quickly followed by a personal life direction change and a new better life .
All these three people went running to their doctor , who of course diagnosed that all conquering diagnosis STRESS , which was killed off with medication . Strange they are all women . Are women more neurotic and open to different awareness's ? Off course stress maybe the genuine explanation for these occurrences , but from my own experience , maybe this stress was just the start of something to come ? That horrible but necessary chapter that jolts off a life changing serious of events and changing perceptions . We shall never know . Had I myself gone down the medicated route then I wouldn't be the person I am today and I don't think I would have my daughter either , but that's another story ! Sometimes a cataclysim can be the first uncomfortable chapter to a rounder you , breaking down the old painfully , then hopefully rebuilding a broader person . The only problem is you need the strength to pull through . This could take years !
What may I ask is the status of someone who is in limbo caused by a medicated cure ? They cant find any future progress . They are stuck in a mind numbing state with who knows what soul changing events on hold , maybe even spiritual ones on hold . This idea has even been suggested as the case by some organisations in mental health as I posted a few months ago . Source ? As ever Radio 4
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