Tuesday, 7 January 2014

Number 9

Im quite proud of this blog . Obviously there are some posts that are " fillers " as I cant make everyone of them about my direct experiences . Some of them  are just short descriptions of a moment that moved me . I can assure you though that they are 100% reliable in their ability to truly describe how Ive felt these last few years .
   I sometimes worry what people think of what ive written , especially people I know in real life , family or relations . I live where I grew up . I am not anonymous . The intensity of what ive been through made me disregard all thought of my own reputation . I feel people respect my views though . No one has called me a   nut case , at least not to my face !
   So where is this blog heading today as situations have changed ? Well I think a broadening of subjects will occur . Maybe I will report any examples I find that back up what ive been through . This will probably be from books though . I feel some others have been through similar experiences as me if I read between the lines but telling your story is a very personal thing ( it took me long enough ) and I shall wait in hope !
   It means a lot to me just knowing someone does understand what ive experienced . This is unique and important . This blog has kept me sane ( you may disagree? ) over the years . Blogs do that . They are worth their weight in gold . See what I did there ? lol  Seriously though If someone comes across this blog in the future its a record of change at the highest level .  Number 9

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