Monday, 13 January 2014

A minor revelation ?

Image result for hearing imagesHere's a funny moment that gave me a shock and a smile about a month ago . All last summer and probably last spring I was exposed to some cheesey  background music, or musack if you want to call it by its correct name . Round and round went this catchy dance song on my T.V . This happened most days .
    Now a strange thing happened about a month ago , I suddenly started to hear the lyrics . At first this was just one line that made me raise my eyebrows . As I continued to listen , several verses told a story very similar to something I had experienced over the summer . It was a little warning no less , and it gave me a wry smile as I felt it was aimed at me . Yes , that sounds silly, but as ive written before  you just get that feeling when something is more than it  first appears to be , or seems a little to focused on your own circumstances or mood .
   So why did it take me so long to actually hear these lyrics ?  Well when my ears finally opened I was in a very demoralised and low mood as an unfortunate sequence of events had obliterated several people from my sphere . Some permanently , some temporally . What baffles me though  is for how long subconsciously had my mind heard those lyrics , if at all ? Had I blocked them out until now ? We obviously filter out what we perceive around us and focus on what is important at the time . Do we  go back and re-asses what to re -examine of what we hear and see and dredge it up again when circumstances change ? Again I don't have any clear answers on this , but oviously something had changed 

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