Just now I let out a manic laugh. It wasnt in jest, it was a response to the awful news subjects I / we have been fed in the UK. This week saw 3 people stabbed and killed by a man in Nottingham. He than ran over another 2 men in a van, one of whom may not survive his injuries.
This was followed by a trail finishing of a couple tortured their child to death and drowned him in a bath tub. Two children have been murdered this week by a woman other than their mother. And to cap it all a double murderer is scheduled for release, and his surname is Pitchfork- seriously ?
This country is a failed state. Oh, I forgot the British girl shot in her back garden in a town in France as she played on a swing. The rest of the family were shot but survived. They were having a BBQ. Suffer the children. " There will be no rescue, your children will be crushed at the gates " Thats a line from the Bible and it really sums up whats happening right now.
Vigils are taking place Nottingham now, but they will solve nothing. Things will go back to normal. Of course the assailant was black. Usually they are an illegal asylum seeker form somewhere like Syria. From places we bombed on a feel good mission to improve the world. The man was also caught on CCTV trying to climb through a window to get into a hostel for vulnerable people. Thankfully someone heard him and punched him causing him to fall out backwards. What would have happened if he had made it inside ?
The news is so bleak its almost darkly comical. I mean are we meant to / can we deal with this onslaught with a calm straight face ? Mean while the sun is still shining and the world goes on.
Update - this morning a head of Police Standards has been charged with raping a child. Seriously ? Somethings terribly wrong and there is an element of overkill in each story, and its all routine.
It sounds like the American Wild West!
ReplyDeleteThe rampaging of "asylum" seekers is part of the Kalergi plan: https://www.amazon.com/Practical-Idealism-Kalergi-destroy-European/dp/1913057097
When you see the fact checkers telling you it's a "conspiracy" you know it's actually not.
Here in the USA, a liberal type of professor was recently accused or raping his dog in broad daylight. When I read that, I think I can relate to what you mean by "overkill."
Its almost a cartoon like evil thats desperate for attention. Dogs are killing people here too.