Friday, 16 June 2023

I never liked this twee idea. After all how can we conquer our feelings ? Its not possible so this is really a pipe dream of optimism. But hold on... After my trouble and the affects of mind altering medication I am living in a different reality or rather a sweeter version of my old one. Either way when I was ill I was in a reality ive never experienced. 

Ive come to the conclusion that in the end the only savior seems to be a pharmaceutical one. Maybe Aldous Huxley was right ? 


  1. It's a difficult question to answer. Ayurveda teaches that the soul and mind and body are all connected though. Maybe something is missing in the body that the pharmaceuticals can replace, thus it also affects your mind/soul.

    1. Im still uncomfortable with this idea. Its so desperate to have to clutch at something just to function daily. How have I got here ? I must have not done something right by myself ?
