Friday, 18 March 2022

There is no reality any more...

Today ive felt the best ive done for a fortnight. For one thing I woke up without ear problems or a headache, for a while at least. Ive discovered anti- allergy pills kill the sinus pain, but they do dry my passages out so Im only taking a quarter  of a pill at a time to try and reap the benefits without the pit falls.

I had my blood test today and all that only showed up a slight vitamin D shortage. When talking to a nurse I mentioned how no one knew anything anymore about medical aliments , and I was surprised when she agreed with me. Strange days with problems that no one is sure what the cause is, or even if its real thing, or is it all just in the mind ?! From what then nurse said and her reaction I think what ive had is most likely a virus... or maybe an allergy reaction. 

The day got weirder when my cousins daughter who is 12 caught covid and her hands and feet started to turn " green and grey " ( I remember my late cousin liked a band called The Levelers who produced an album called The Land of Green and Grey ) What the fuck is going on here ? Nothing is sane anymore. People know less and less in these modern days. Its all bullshit.


  1. Most doctors won't even prescribe any vitamins. It truly is insane. Glad you are doing better.

    1. Thanks, Seeing doctor today about my over sensitive ears. I think it might be a stress thing even.
