Monday, 29 November 2021


But in periods of decay of social life
The drama sympathizes with that decay.
Tragedy becomes a cold imitation
Of the form of the great masterpieces of antiquity,
Divested of all harmonious accompaniment
Of the kindred arts
And often the very form misunderstood
Or a weak attempt to teach certain doctrines
Which the writer considers as moral truths
And which are usually
No more than specious flatteries
Of some gross vice or weakness
With which the author
In common with his auditors, are infected." •ð“‚€• Percey Bysshe
💀 Solve Et Coagula

Tonight Im tired, no worn out with the virus cycle which has yet again started at the local primary school and annoyingly with a friend of my wifes who was among those who visited Liverpool that weekend who has now tested positive. Not a situation that pleases me at all. In fact im fuming. Add to this family concerns that Im still not vaxed and the fact Im a little worried about the above possibilities and Im pretty fed up tonight. However my fear of the vax far out weighs the fear of the virus. But what a bloody situation, again.


  1. This is my third attempt at trying to post this comment. Something doesn't want me writing here. The effects of the vaxx are causing antibody-dependent enhancement. They don't even have a test for variants, it's garbage science. And everyone else who has the usual cold and flu thinks they all have the big C.

    1. Something in general tries to plagues our communication ive noticed. Emails that wont work, blogs that are impossible to find ect. They have weaponized the cold and flu I think, hence there are over 100 strains of c. This whole routine of self testing needs to stop.

    2. Someone said that in the bone marrow alone there exists so many types of c-virus. That's also where the antibodies are. The self-testing is so awful, I'm convinced some people are beginning to enjoy it too much. I honestly don't know what to do anymore. I can't live around these people.
