Tuesday, 2 November 2021


Ive always liked this picture. There is a lot going on here...

I post this picture every autumn. There is just something so sensual about it. And where do I start ? The fact she is waist deep in the corn suggests she is immersed in the moment, nay lost to it ,and she hasnt got that far into the crop by accident. She actively seeking to loose control.
The slightly dirty light blue sky suggests summer is at an end and the crop has matured and is ready to harvest. The wind blows her hair asunder suggesting she is on the brink of her downfall. She grasps her waist and neck to support her body, but its too late, almost to hold back. She is on the precipice of arousal and lost to the season. Following the innocent butterfly has led her to this point. This is a very primitive picture. Very rustic. One I would like framed.



  1. It does seem to capture Autumn well. Kind of seems like the perfect image for the song I posted called "Girl."

    1. Too much to say. Going to explain above.
