I remember when the news, especially in the 80's was outward looking. World events were reported and events such as wars seemed a dream in a distant land, and of no relevance to us in the West. Slowly the wars seemed not only to be fought by distant primitive people in the middle east, but were instigated and started by us the West. Suddenly the news seemed more relevant in a way, but still distant.
Today the news is highly domestic and inward looking or more accurately a navel gazing death cult. All we focus on is our ever more fucked up lives, and the ever more fucked up society we live in. Its a claustrophobic situation. Round and round we go. Now the news topics are an integral part of peoples everyday lives and agendas. The worlds shit has seeped into your house, my house, and the everyday. Suddenly the news is hyper relevant. A face nearly touching yours staring eye ball to eyeball and damn you to hell if you dare turn away.
The news has become a twisted entertainment that is expected to deliver a shock factor. You expect to get a dose of horror and they never disappoint. I tune in just to hear the next crisis. Its addictive , and as events in Europe unfold I find myself not getting so angry because I now see clearer what the big picture is. Well I wouldnt say less angry, but kind of relieved that Im more decided where I stand and every piece of bad news vindicates me.
When I worked with old people all they cared about was the news. All I heard when I would visit them was "anything new?"
ReplyDeleteSome people live for the news. It's their entire "life." I personally get tired when people who see me regularly only have to say "what's new?"
Do they really care or what exactly are they fishing for?
Maybe they think you have a different perspective due to your age ?