Tuesday, 19 October 2021

Attention seeker in the house ?

 Something very strange happened last weekend. I was playing with my daughter on this small wooden pinball type game. The board is made up of many small nails that are situated on a sloping surface. The ball bearings are catapulted pin ball style by a spring loaded rod. Its a game of chance as the holes at the bottom of the slope have different scores and the nails cause the balls decent to be highly random, hence the fun of chance.

The first time my daughter fired a ball and it came to rest against a nail half way down the board I was amazed. The ball fell through several pins ricocheting its way downward before coming to a perfect balance against a nail. The odds of that were unlikely to impossible. A few minutes later it happened again. Something was seriously amiss here. I wondered if the balls had become magnetised  but ive never seen that happen and when the ball came to a rest again this time against a wooden score divider at the bottom of the game and again on a tapered point that would be virtually impossible, then I was convinced something was manipulating this outcome.

The patterns on the board look a bit mystical. Then I remembered  hearing somewhere and I cant remember where that once all games of chance were seen as acts of divination. Once all card games were seen as forecasts of fortune in life events for the players. Seems far fetched but I had a very odd experience about 10 years ago with a word game which definitely grabbed my attention as they say.

The game was called ... actually I forget, but there were cubes with different letters printed on the sides and you rolled them like dice.  I got a selection of letters which I immediately arranged to spell the word TINTAGEL exactly, which was the name of  a mystical Cornish location I was planning to visit. I was debating whether to travel the long distance ( long by UK standards lol ) at the time but certainly didnt hold back after that night.

I wonder what secrets our hand movements hold and whether we are in full control of them ? Maybe our subconscious plays a part in our random gestures ? Ive noted that in the game nothing odd happened when I fired the ball, but thats not to say I havent experienced items that ive thrown down landing end up for periods of time beyond chance, 

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