Saturday, 1 November 2014

Sun / Moon

If a man does a great deed  because of a woman or solely for a woman then that which he achieves will often amount to  nothing ! Well, thats one persons opinion I read with amusement recently, and judging by what Ive seen in some peoples lives its an accurate statement too ! Are men and women so incompatible ?

I read once that a man goes through a complete mental Sun cycle in 24 hours

A woman's mental cycle of course is deemed as being over 28 days, so its a long varied affair and often confusing to a man as the gradual waxing and waning's are hard for him to judge !

SUBJECTIVE / MYSTICAL RUBBISH ?   Well no, as hormonally at mans cycle's peaks and troughs in 24hours and a woman's bodily hormonal cycle takes 28 days. This medical fact backs up the mystical idea of man being like the Sun and woman being as the Moon

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