Monday, 22 September 2014

When September Comes

I always find an empty atomosphere descending on my house in September. Rooms feel empty and there is a total lack of energy in the house. Evenings are the worst. Maybe its the darker nights, but Winter does not feel like this. It could be the Summers energy winding down. Lighting my new wood burner helps. Why does fire add so much to a room, its the only thing that can make a dent in this emptiness.
  September also has some bad memories for me, the death of a Grandparent, having to move from our first flat, a family members breakdown ect, yes the hazy days of September subcontiously despite their beauty bring these events back to me. Also on the farm its a time when stock is sold and the fruits of all your work are measured against your expectataions. It can be a stressful time, but again the next farming year begins.
  Schools go back, teenagers have gone to University this time that I know. A new cycle is beginning. I have a bad back. I need a hair cut and Im very busy and some say grumpy, but that's nothing new...


  1. September seems to be a month of impending death for some reason...A lot of "bad" things happened recently in my sphere as well re: this month.

  2. All Summer ive had trouble one way or another, and it started with a holiday to Glastonbury...
