Tuesday, 2 September 2014

The Lurker At The Threshold - H.P Lovecraft

" I often think, " he said " how fortunate most men are in their inability to correlate all the knowledge at their disposal. Bates, I believe, illustrates the point very well. He has recorded what seems to be dissociated knowledge, he constantly skirts a terrifying reality, he seldom makes any genuine attempt to face it; he is hampered by the superficial, by the vestigial superstitions which have no reality apart from the expected conventional behaviour- and the belief-patterns of the average human being. If the common man were even to suspect the cosmic grandeur of the universes, if he were to have a glimpse of the awesome depths of outer space he would either go mad or reject such knowledge in preference of superstition... "    

Its true, there comes a time after so many years of quoting instances of bizarre happenings that are personal to you , that you finally and quite conscientiously have to admit that your " on to something " . This does however not fill in any missing pieces to form a magically all revealing picture. Maybe we dare not do that for ourselves, but Ive met those who I suspect have at some point and are paying the price today ?! Time will tell.

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