Friday, 26 September 2014

23- Cumbria traffic plans ! (yes, really )

Cumbria County Council are to spend 2.3 million ( 23 -Get Out ) on methods to try and get people OUT of their cars when entering the town. Yes, another humorous example of the number 23 cropping up as a pun again. I have other humorous examples on this label.

This is my last post on 23 appearing, as I am now convinced that this number turns up in subjects that require drastic change and can not continue in their current state. More amazing is the fact it often crops up in fun as a pun. Thats odd and beyond coincidence, and I accept that it has the power or is drawn to certain circumstances. I now 100%% believe that's so, and ive nothing more to say on the matter ! Its a fact. 

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