Monday, 29 September 2014

Dull new world ?!

Its true ive lacked a bit of inspiration recently. I went through a crisis a while ago that damned near destroyed me, but its passed now, although like the tide I still feel its pull now and again. Mostly nowadays my time is taken up with work or my daughter .

  Im sure a part of me has died, or had to In order to become something sustainable. I don't see anyone to talk about deep things with anymore. Everyone I know is busy, very busy. Im more content with my own company than I was. That was what I lacked 6 months ago. I was weak, tired emotionally and too dependant on others. Ive watched a transition in all my age groups lives. Transition is disturbing...

   Back then I read so many times about how it was foolish to rely on others. Today I see why. I learnt my lessons the hard way. Loose a friend ? Well I just give a mental shrug of my shoulders now, as its their loss. Life is simpler today. But can I do simplicity ?

  Despite this I feel that which I write about on this blog feels more real recently. Ive simply had to accept there is an unexplained presence in life that reveals its self slowly. I had a disturbing experience at Glastonbury  last Spring which I shall try and post about. Since then I feel bad luck or beyond luck has stalked me. I smile a grim smile as even this is a break from the mundane. At the time a trainee Deaconess at Wells Cathedral offered to pray with me about what Id felt  I had been exposed to. I declined but know wish i'd taken up her offer.

     Glastonbury has made me more parental and fatherly somehow, but this is still only 50% of me. Ive change physically since that holiday to, which is odd. That holiday was the death of part of me that was weaker, so of course it felt unpleasant. As I have someone worth telling again, I shall write. As ever water plagues me, it gurns, it shrieks all over the country, where ever I go. I shall film and post !


Sunday, 28 September 2014

Quatermass and The Pit Trailer


I caught this classic horror film on TV the other night, and it had been a long while since I last watched it. So long in fact that I saw new things in the films plot that had originally past me by. I guess Im a different person since I last watched it...
  Basically the film is about a scientist who discovers a buried vessel, or metal cocoon . The site in London where its discovered  turns out to have had an ancient reputation for hauntings, and the unexplained. Inside the craft a symbol of a pentagram  is even discovered !
  It all appears to be an occult event then ? Well no, it  turns out to be all alien, and Professor Quatermass suggests that hauntings, the paranormal or sightings of demons seen at the crash site all throughout  history are due to the side effects of  people having been living at too close a quarters to the buried alien craft.
  The alien idea for explaining occult happenings also turns up in many H.P Lovecraft stories. In fact ive just this week furnished reading " The Lurker on the Threshold " which finishes up at such a conclusion. I dont have a particular view either way, but its an interesting idea, and like so many on this blog its un-provable ! Are altered perceptions the result of an extra outside presence on earth ? Its impossible to argue against and rarely put forward, even in the world of films.

Friday, 26 September 2014

The use of the number 23  in the following posts here refers to the interpretation that Aliester Crowley gives to it in his  " The Book of Lies "

23- Cumbria traffic plans ! (yes, really )

Cumbria County Council are to spend 2.3 million ( 23 -Get Out ) on methods to try and get people OUT of their cars when entering the town. Yes, another humorous example of the number 23 cropping up as a pun again. I have other humorous examples on this label.

This is my last post on 23 appearing, as I am now convinced that this number turns up in subjects that require drastic change and can not continue in their current state. More amazing is the fact it often crops up in fun as a pun. Thats odd and beyond coincidence, and I accept that it has the power or is drawn to certain circumstances. I now 100%% believe that's so, and ive nothing more to say on the matter ! Its a fact. 

Monday, 22 September 2014

When September Comes

I always find an empty atomosphere descending on my house in September. Rooms feel empty and there is a total lack of energy in the house. Evenings are the worst. Maybe its the darker nights, but Winter does not feel like this. It could be the Summers energy winding down. Lighting my new wood burner helps. Why does fire add so much to a room, its the only thing that can make a dent in this emptiness.
  September also has some bad memories for me, the death of a Grandparent, having to move from our first flat, a family members breakdown ect, yes the hazy days of September subcontiously despite their beauty bring these events back to me. Also on the farm its a time when stock is sold and the fruits of all your work are measured against your expectataions. It can be a stressful time, but again the next farming year begins.
  Schools go back, teenagers have gone to University this time that I know. A new cycle is beginning. I have a bad back. I need a hair cut and Im very busy and some say grumpy, but that's nothing new...

Friday, 19 September 2014

Here is a Budha factory I found earlier, as you do...

23 Scottish Independance- Get Out ?!

Scotland has been in turmoil as the possibility of Independence has been in its sights. Many shouted that the time had come for change and things couldn't carry on any longer in their current form. Figures in authority and respect, offered guidance. Views were exchanged, but in the end things came a full circle as Independence was rejected, but now it turns out further powers are still to be offered. They will happen despite losing the vote which offered them. A full circle. Well the future has manifested anyway, either way its only a slightly altered out come. What was all the shouting about ? Well this is the the journey that is  23 !

Tuesday, 16 September 2014

Somewhere out there tonight.... Morgan, Morelli.....

I have only come across one person who I found  to have any truly physcic connection to me , and she was female, and in a foreign land . Such were the examples that presented themselves to me back then, and so extreme were they that I spent most of my time wondering whether I was the victim of an elaborate hoax. As time passed the experiences became so extreme that the idea of a hoax became even more unbelievable than the phenomenon I was experiencing.

That's how you know,  or grow to know some things real. Even if you suspect a person is not exactly as they present themselves, if they produce the goods who cares ? If they fake certain events, even they cannot fake some things I experienced. Enigmas always swamp you with doubt, and always will. Of course this is called balance.

Sunday, 14 September 2014

I had planned to once again visit a local Buddhist temple as I did this time last year, funnily I had to change my plans as I found out my  Methodist father-in Law was preaching at our local chapel ! I shall however hope to visit next weekend. I don't really relate to Buddhist thinking, though I do see where they're are coming from, but I cant bring myself to think quite that negatively about life never living up to its expectations, even though its often true. No, what attracts me is the fact that inside the temple there really is total peace and lack of any atmosphere at all. This is done so efficiently that I must pay attention as they are obviously doing something right with such an extraordinary sterile atmosphere being present. Such extremes impress me !

Monday, 8 September 2014

Arria - installation timelapse


I noticed this amazing sculpture this August while on my way to my holiday destination on the West Coast of Scotland, driving on the A80 . I had not noticed it until now despite holidaying every year in Scotland ( not sure how I missed it before ) although I trust the date on this films start is correct. 

  Whats special is the positioning by a road. The only way you can get a good view is by driving past in your car, hence you wont find any good photo shots on line, not even crossing the road will help as being below the sculpture in your car creates a more engaging feeling as she towers over you . Fantastic and $ 250, 000 well spent. Im in awe !

Note how a brilliant blast of sunshine occurs as the torso is finally joined, and how the sculpture appears to be finished on a full moon. Just awesome, beautiful.

Synchronicity II by The Police HD with lyrics


This song makes me smile inside, and not many things do... :  )

Saturday, 6 September 2014

The Tor

I have the house to myself this weekend. Sat in bed now though, moon almost full.
 All was very still today in the dale, not a sound of anything stirred this morning. A Spring like sound of a Curlew singing conjured up a Spring atomosphere. Funny thing was, next a Jackdaw dropped a stick on me so I guess they were in a nesting mood thus validating my assessment of a Spring like mood in the air. Not subjective there then ?

This week The Tor has reached out to me in ways I cannot tell on here, and this has rattled me. I didn't enjoy my visit to Glastonbury though at the time, and I was disturbed by a presence I stumbled upon on a ley line there, a very disturbing presence. It seems my personal feelings count for nothing here. Some would kill for these things to reveal themselves, for me its by default.

Big Questions:  Is this of any " use " to me ?
                           Have I any choice to opt out ?
                           It creates a mood of the moment

Just what is The Tors agenda ? Was the unpleasant presence a healing one even ? as the place I stumbled upon it has that reputation, though only relatively recently. In Druid times it was used for sacrifice apparently ! Was that what caused this unpleasnt presence  ? Or was it due to the person I was watching doing her meditation ?

Tonight my car milage hit 77,777......and the moon being full.

Am I now the person you originally thought I was ???

Its been a busy, heady old week. Tomorrow Im going to do something worldly and go and watch some banger racing otherwise Im gonna go a bit mad ! lol

Friday, 5 September 2014

Tuesday, 2 September 2014

The Lurker At The Threshold - H.P Lovecraft

" I often think, " he said " how fortunate most men are in their inability to correlate all the knowledge at their disposal. Bates, I believe, illustrates the point very well. He has recorded what seems to be dissociated knowledge, he constantly skirts a terrifying reality, he seldom makes any genuine attempt to face it; he is hampered by the superficial, by the vestigial superstitions which have no reality apart from the expected conventional behaviour- and the belief-patterns of the average human being. If the common man were even to suspect the cosmic grandeur of the universes, if he were to have a glimpse of the awesome depths of outer space he would either go mad or reject such knowledge in preference of superstition... "    

Its true, there comes a time after so many years of quoting instances of bizarre happenings that are personal to you , that you finally and quite conscientiously have to admit that your " on to something " . This does however not fill in any missing pieces to form a magically all revealing picture. Maybe we dare not do that for ourselves, but Ive met those who I suspect have at some point and are paying the price today ?! Time will tell.