Saturday, 21 June 2014

Second chances ; One for the truly brave

Have you ever given up on a situation and just walked away, only to be presented with a chance to rectify the past, but its seems like too much time has gone by for it to still feel viable ? Why doesn't life throw you these second chances when you actually needed them ? Such breaks are often extremely untimely. Of course to walk away from such second chances would be a travesty, but we all change so fast and we cant put our lives on hold while life sorts its plan out in its drawn out and unhurried style. Sometimes a simple act can be as profound as stepping over a line into another reality. If I do this trivial act then I am consenting to an old mindset . This is serious for me.

Damn it, I shall have to follow this through, though every part of me resists. A strong man would laugh and walk away, or maybe a weak man would ? Mmmm that's and interesting paradox. Some friends have gone, some have returned, I think...Cometh the man ; Cometh the hour .

First must come the change though, this is something most of you have naturally, but for me it will be an ordeal...

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