Monday, 30 June 2014

O.K this isnt my strongest post but still....

Yesterday I had a rather good if a little stressful family afternoon at a small local music festival. Oddly I was told I was in a foul mood, and it was partially true, maybe it was the smell of all the beer ( hate alcohol, hate its stink ) as it was also a beer festival as well. I did however enjoy the music. So why is this post worthy of being on here ?
   Well over the course of the afternoon a rather wild looking tall woman with tattoo's and a child kept walking past where I was sitting. First time she stopped to talk to a relation of mine and his child, then a few minutes later she appeared sauntering past me up the hill where I sat again. She stopped to talk to me this time. Women on thier own that ive never met dont stop to talk to me . I just dont give out that vibe ! For another 3 times she came past where I sat and I felt she was circling me, or was somehow being drawn into my sphere, and I did feel on edge all afternoon. I only ever saw her walking up this hill towards me, I never saw her walking down. I almost thought of asking her if she ever walked down hill as she passed but thought better of it !  This makes me think she was circling me ? So a kind of stalker then ? I cant tell you what was going on, but something wasnt right.
     She had a strange blond toddler too, with huge scars or old deep scratch marks in his body ( I couldnt work out which ) They were not ordered enough to be old operation marks, but too large and numerous to be " accidental "  Her child also reminded me of a barbarian somehow, and the way they swung their top half was with a certain gusto, very warrior like . That was odd too.
  This whole situation reminded me of the time at Boscastle when I was being watched by a woman unknown to me until later .Like I said I dont know why this woman was important yesterday, but instinct tells me she was circling me, but why ? All afternoon something wasnt right, little accidents with the children, and two relation I was with left after only a few minutes. Yes, the whole thing was odd, but in a rather mundane way.

She was after something.

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