Monday, 30 June 2014

O.K this isnt my strongest post but still....

Yesterday I had a rather good if a little stressful family afternoon at a small local music festival. Oddly I was told I was in a foul mood, and it was partially true, maybe it was the smell of all the beer ( hate alcohol, hate its stink ) as it was also a beer festival as well. I did however enjoy the music. So why is this post worthy of being on here ?
   Well over the course of the afternoon a rather wild looking tall woman with tattoo's and a child kept walking past where I was sitting. First time she stopped to talk to a relation of mine and his child, then a few minutes later she appeared sauntering past me up the hill where I sat again. She stopped to talk to me this time. Women on thier own that ive never met dont stop to talk to me . I just dont give out that vibe ! For another 3 times she came past where I sat and I felt she was circling me, or was somehow being drawn into my sphere, and I did feel on edge all afternoon. I only ever saw her walking up this hill towards me, I never saw her walking down. I almost thought of asking her if she ever walked down hill as she passed but thought better of it !  This makes me think she was circling me ? So a kind of stalker then ? I cant tell you what was going on, but something wasnt right.
     She had a strange blond toddler too, with huge scars or old deep scratch marks in his body ( I couldnt work out which ) They were not ordered enough to be old operation marks, but too large and numerous to be " accidental "  Her child also reminded me of a barbarian somehow, and the way they swung their top half was with a certain gusto, very warrior like . That was odd too.
  This whole situation reminded me of the time at Boscastle when I was being watched by a woman unknown to me until later .Like I said I dont know why this woman was important yesterday, but instinct tells me she was circling me, but why ? All afternoon something wasnt right, little accidents with the children, and two relation I was with left after only a few minutes. Yes, the whole thing was odd, but in a rather mundane way.

She was after something.

Sunday, 29 June 2014

About me

You may well have conjured up a mental picture of the author of this rambling blog, we all do that on blogger. Well here I am un covered and looking rather serious ( I look stupid smiling ) I am 43 and are married with a 2 year old.
  About 5 years ago an event rocked me . You could say it triggered an esoteric awakening, and boy did it do that. Ever since I have kept this blog just to vent my ideas and experiences on. A safety valve ? Well there have been many reasons for writing on here over the years. Life continues even if the circumstances that started me blogging have changed. Life is still full of the unseen and such things are never very far away from me at any time. Dion Fortune would call me a sensitive, and I think that sums me up....Ooooeer !

Comments on my posts are welcome  !

Saturday, 28 June 2014

Im very happy with my latest purchase from E-bay, my Miloslav Janko Bohemien vintage glass dolphin. The photograph above does cannot capture how the changing light through out the day also changes the colours within the ornament. This varies from pink to brown and varies  depending on the time of day its viewed...

Friday, 27 June 2014

Tour de force

Last Winter I wrote about a stretch of road producing accidents on a weekly basis constantly over all the Winter. No one could work out why ! The road surface was new although the bends were sharp. Locals crashed regular too so that rules out the corners theory. A terrible fatality occurred on a side road. The crashing has stopped . Period, as though fate had just lost interest in destruction or had got what it at last had been after all along. Maybe something has " moved on " ?

Interestingly recently a nearby town suffered a terrible afternoon occurred that bent the odds. On a sea front a man tried to commit suicide by jumping from a tower, a car crashed into a building causing structural damage , the a fire burnt down an amusement location. I am not linking these two stories but they are examples of crazy " coincidences " or flow of events.

Mistakes ?

" ... a man shall rid himself of his mistakes... "    23    Aliester Crowley

Over the past weeks I have watched people in general stumble, mis-judge and make small mistakes and mis-judgements. Its been quite nice to see that I am not the only one to sometimes say something stupid, or not quite understand where another was coming from. This means a lot to me and my own self esteem feels all the better for it. As regarding the past I feel that it was not a mistake even if life has moved on to a new chapter. I can also see now the times I was too obsessive about things, and the damage it did to me and those around me. I guess I have " rid " myself of my " mistakes " because I can see others making the same ones funnily, but now I am lucky enough to see how to live situations better in the future !
  I feel different after my experience of a force in the Glastonbury Chalise Garden. I feel a little more aware of the everyday world, and a little more aware of the mundane and the everyday things that must have a certain level of attention once again !

Im not chasing anything at any cost nowadays.

  Last weekend I went to a childs dedication at a Methodist chapel ( I was brought up a Methodist ) and as I looked around I thought of all the " Unseen things " that I have either experienced or photographed even, I then contrasted that against the service and hymns I was singing, and I realised as Dion Fortune said that conventional Christians are only seeing half the picture and are half a sleep . Ah,  f**** it I'll say it ; a sleep of reason no less.

No, no, no...

One of the most insulting things I have ever heard aimed at me was recently the statement....

" Dont go filling your daughters head with rubbish when she's older... "

So I guess when she gets curious about the deeper things in life I shall fill her head with all the deluded, morally bankrupted , distorted non reality that todays world has to offer ? "

Sunday, 22 June 2014

Putting my house in order

Today I have been through all my posts and have labelled anything of merit. I shall next change my blog layout to display the labels so people visiting can choose what subject they want to look at further. This has meant grouping some pieces written about the same subject over several years. Not sure if things are better left in the order they were written , but otherwise there are many posts ive written in the past that no one would ever find. That's just stupid.
  Another problem with labelling is it can make a blogger look a bit mad, but everything ive written was the way I saw it at the time. Maybe back in the day I would call something " magick " today I may use the word " synchronicity " . Times change as do the different interpretations we find a need to use...

Saturday, 21 June 2014

Second chances ; One for the truly brave

Have you ever given up on a situation and just walked away, only to be presented with a chance to rectify the past, but its seems like too much time has gone by for it to still feel viable ? Why doesn't life throw you these second chances when you actually needed them ? Such breaks are often extremely untimely. Of course to walk away from such second chances would be a travesty, but we all change so fast and we cant put our lives on hold while life sorts its plan out in its drawn out and unhurried style. Sometimes a simple act can be as profound as stepping over a line into another reality. If I do this trivial act then I am consenting to an old mindset . This is serious for me.

Damn it, I shall have to follow this through, though every part of me resists. A strong man would laugh and walk away, or maybe a weak man would ? Mmmm that's and interesting paradox. Some friends have gone, some have returned, I think...Cometh the man ; Cometh the hour .

First must come the change though, this is something most of you have naturally, but for me it will be an ordeal...

Wednesday, 18 June 2014

Just woken up to this

Its a hot Summers night and ive just woken up from a strange vivid dream about a train journey travelling at dusk along a coast that had a long flat area of occasional areas of pine trees that stretched down to a distant shore. The sea had recently surged inland to cover this area and had left large pools of water in the fields and the dusk fading light was shining on them. Their were also muddy estuary areas with channels still flowing with the returning water. I was extremely excited to see this sight and I was making quite a noise on the train !

Back in the real world ive just looked outside to see a half waned yellow moon sat level and precisely opposite my bed room window, in its Summer position then ( one of the joys of an East/West facing house )

Since feeling the " terrible " force at Glastonbury my dreams have been very odd. Something is developing. Yesterday, I swore as I unloaded something from my car that I heard a gentle, male voice say just one mundane word to gain my attention. I presumed it was a neighbour wanting me to move my car, but no one was around.

Im returning to a past blogging pattern of ranting my views on Drifting Sideways and posting my very subjective views on here again. Its a return to something again. I have old ground to cover again, but in a NEW way.   23

Tonight I also found myself looking back to the notes ive kept for the past 5 years regarding things mystical and have been quite moved and shocked by them. I however have to get some sleep now as I have a not very mystical wagon of straw arriving early tomorrow morning....

Tuesday, 17 June 2014

A Long term forecast ?

This Summer will see long prolonged periods of melancholy as showers gather to produce spells of tepid cool anticipations. Past storms may influence future weather fronts. Longer spells of pointless fretting can also be expected though... Over all an unpredictable period that may see thundery spells suddenly give way to brief bursts of sunshine, some form of protection is advised to be worn as even brief exposure could cause long term damage....

Monday, 16 June 2014

Creatures of the wheel

Women, however wonderful, interesting, warm, caring and intelligent they are, are only temporary creatures who's attention only lasts as long as they require companionship. During these phases they will bare their soul in a due process that buys them the time and attention they crave. I have seen them do this with their same sex friendships too. They are however temporary creatures you see and must be viewed as such to avoid disappointment. This however does not devalue them at all, but this deviation of goals  leaves men cold. Its a fair accusation to level against them. I have you all bang to rights here. Forget this fact at your peril. Bless you all, its in your genes. Temporary is of little use to me....

Friday, 13 June 2014

Gigi D'Agostino - Moonlight Shadow ( Disco Tanz )

No, I'm not joking !

On average how many prisoners escape from HMP 4 each year ?   The answer why 23 of course.....

Source; 5 Live Radio

23- Get Out

It gets better though as I discover this is a " open prison ! "   
Yes, another 23 real life joke. Who says occult cant do funny ?
I still smile at the address I frequented 23 ANCHORITE FIELDS ...

Tuesday, 10 June 2014


I have just spent an hour writing about a powerful presence I encountered at Glastonbury. On trying to publish this my Internet cut off and its deleted most of the post. There are some things I cant write on this blog unfortunately, sorry. And if you think that statement is a crock of sh1t then youre reading the wrong blog !

Sunday, 8 June 2014

A new reality beyond irreality / This is a new age for me .

I shall tell what I found this week at Glastonbury. I have mentioned this to a few people in real life as they say, and it hasn't gone down well. Christians mock my fear, some people crack jokes. Of course some find it just not remarkable as I have a certain reputation for strange out looks. Have I become a " mimic ? " . I have talked so long on things in a subjective way as all mysticism must be portrayed ,but last week I experienced something CONCRETELY  REAL !!!   This is a majour change. My mind is not on the everyday. This may have huge repercussions in the way this summer maps out. Odd things have started happening already... I feel humble and small. I have tears in my eyes. Why ?

Friday, 6 June 2014

The Tor visited

I have just this evening returned from my holiday to Glastonbury. Mmmm, well Glastonbury is certainly all they report it to be, and I have returned with a few extra grey hairs ( and how I wish I was joking there ) What really took me by surprise was the general sense of tension in the otherwise beautiful country side, though in complete contrast there is also wonderfully sweet aroma in the air of the surrounding countryside that we don't seem to have in the North. Having said that I spent a lot of time, well every day feeling generally disorientated with no sense of direction at all, not even after travelling roads several times did I ever recognise them, so my sat-nav ended up doing all the work ! Yes, tense and disorienting describes Glastonbury, and Im not the only person who thinks this is so it now turns out... Only when I visited other surrounding areas could I truly relax . This is not a view you will find in a Glastonbury tourist brochure though ! Ahem....

  I have tried to capture a general darkness that hangs over the hills in the above photo of this area ( very Lovecraft ? ) Even on a bright sunny day the land appears shaded. This soon changes though once you leave the district and head for the coast. Summer then seems to burst through again, and the light is once again bright as it should be in summer. Yes leaving the town was a relief during the week. Generally a dusk type light seemed to cover the views that went on for miles, this however  lasted  all day somehow. As night drew in this was amplified and the real dusk just seemed a continuation .There was also an atmosphere of Autumn in the air at times. Summer seemed to be stifled , or smothered as did any positive atmosphere. A terrible gloom seemed in the air. Glastonbury seems under a dark spell . A very funny mixture then, beauty and darkly repressed landscape. Not what I expected at all .

Of course my first site to visit was the legendary Tor, and no, I was not in a mystical mood due to having to find a back lane to park on as I couldn't have my daughter walking up the long hill to the hill that contained the Tor. It was hot. I with a few others were given an amateur tour by what I expect was a local making a few pounds on the side. He told me to stand In a Ley line, but I felt nothing at all, and was not impressed really at all.
  I did however later in the week find myself feeling the the full force of what passes through the Tor, and hence the extra grey hairs Ive returned with, but that's for another post soon. I need a little time to think about exactly what I experienced and why ?. Im rattled.
  My guide did however tell me that a Ley line that passes through the Tor continues to Tintagel, and that got my full attention. I explained to him my past experiences there, and he couldn't get away from me fast enough ! That's a pity as he had some divining rods with him that he said anyone on the tour could try their hand at them later on. I had been looking forward to a dabble, maybe its just as well I never got the chance after what the next day brought...

The legendry, and not to be underestimated Tor....