Wednesday, 14 May 2014

If I Came....23

I don't know what Jung would have made of this, but I had the most vivid dream last night. I found myself running very , very fast towards the sea over a grassy estuary. I slowed down as quickly as I could and suddenly found myself on a windy, blustery sea shore in a gale with sunlight catching the dappled, stormy wave swept surface of a stormy exuberant sea. I braced myself into the wind as a huge wave built up out at sea . I realised I could not out run it so I remained still and it crashed around my feet, even though I was standing clear of the beach, I could not out run it. This dream was all to real and like others ive had Im not sure how much of this was a dream...   

The number 23 occurs daily in my blog stats. I have researched in detail the Tarot meaning of this. It is not negative.


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