Monday, 26 May 2014

1% not 23 !

About a year ago I wrote a piece about how my life was quite comfortable, but was never complete because I was always seeking the 1% type of different person to be friends with in my life. Strangely I was thinking back to that 1% thing these last few days briefly when I managed to contact such  person in real life who I classed as a 1% er in the past. Its with this in mind that I was surprised to see a page view today of a post I wrote last year  on this subject. That's quite odd.

The second reason ive been thinking back to my need for 1% people is that I met a remarkable blogger last year who I definitely classed as a 1% type. She seems to be taking a break from her fantastically written blog, or maybe her life has changed now. Anyway I shall remember that Summer of intense blogging and all it taught me. As Summer unveils its on my mind. They were very good days . Of course I wanted such a person to appear as my real world situation was torrid as 1% situations in real life are.

Both these people I class as 1% types. Both have been very much on my mind recently. The viewing of that old post ties in with that fact. Of course this " coincidence " is par for the course with me and is the bread and butter of my blog. If the blogger mentioned is still reading my blogs then maybe they could drop e -mail me or something as I would be interested as to how her life has turned out. Im fine really, just a little surprised by an old friend contacting me at the moment. Mmm, I think that's about it !

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